
College Expectations
St. Croix Preparatory Academy Upper School offers a college preparatory curriculum. Many students begin taking Advanced Placement (AP) tests in their sophomore year. In selecting classes, and in preparing for your high school career, it is important to keep in mind the expectations of the colleges/universities under consideration for your college application.
Click here for a summary of general expectations of highly selective, selective, and traditional colleges and universities:

College Prep Math
For on-line resouces which include homework problems, skill building exercises, and resource guides, please visit College Prep Math at:

Service Requirement
As an emphasis upon Character, all students are required to perform 50 hours of service (10 hours in grades 9-11 and 20 hours in grade 12) in order to fulfill their graduation requirements.
Course Map:
World Languages
Placement in Spanish or Latin is based on prior experience and teacher recommendation.
Fine Arts
Theatre Arts
Visual Arts
Drawing I and II
Painting I and II
Ceramics I and II
Honors Art
AP Art History
Digital Photograph I and II
Graphic Design
Instrumental Arts
Concert Band
Wind Ensemble
Jazz Band
Concert Orchestra
Chamber Orchestra
AP Music Theory
Collaborative Piano
Vocal Arts
Concert Choir
Chamber Choir
Physical Education - Health
Physical Education/Health
Recreational Sports
First Aid/CPR
Fitness for Girls
Weights and Conditioning
Team Sports
Personal FItness
Journalism/School Magazine
Media Matters
Leadership I and II
AP Capstone Seminar
AP Capstone Research
Comparative World Religions
Teacher Cadets
Ancient Military History
Modern Military History
Intro to the Classical World
AP Psychology
Each year, we ask students to complete 10 hours of meaningful community service; in their senior year, we ask them to complete 20.
Each year, students give a presentation/performance to their classmates on a self-reflective, thoughtful topic. Select performances will be chosen for a showcase event that includes families and community members.
Math Course Flow Chart
Rather than progressing by grade level, Math courses follow a content and skill progression. Refer to the flowchart below to note the Math course sequence: