Testing Calendar


Quarter 1 – Ends October 31

Quarter 2 – Ends January 16

Quarter 3 – Ends March 20

Quarter 4 – Ends June 3

State Required Testing: The ELL and MCA tests are Minnesota state required tests. Local Testing: The PSAT, ACT, and AP tests are not required tests but made available to students who wish to take them at the school’s location.

Formative Assessments

Include on-going assessments, anecdotal records, quizzes, and diagnostic tests, reviews, and observations in a classroom. Teachers use formative assessment to improve instructional methods and student feedback throughout the teaching and learning process. The results of formative assessments are used to modify and validate instruction.

Formative “Benchmark” Assessments

Are used intermittently (weekly, bi-weekly, or end of quarter) to determine mastery of MN standards. These may include, but are not limited to:

Summative Assessments

Summative evaluations are used to determine if students have mastered specific competencies, identify instructional areas that need additional attention, and evaluate the effectiveness of instructional programs at the end of an academic year or at a pre-determined time. Summative assessments include statewide and national tests. The ACCESS and Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment (MCA) are administered once per year.


February 2025

Access for ELL is the MN state required assessment for English Language Learner

April 2025

MCA (Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment) is the MN state required assessment to meet state and federal legislative requirements.

State Required Testing: The ELL and MCA tests are Minnesota state required tests. Local Testing: The PSAT, ACT, and AP tests are not required tests but made available to students who wish to take them at the school’s location.


October 2024

Standardized/Pre-SAT and National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Exam

February 2025

Access for ELL is the MN state required assessment for English Language Learner

April 2025

MCA (Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment) is the MN state required assessment to meet state and federal legislative requirements.

May 2025

College level examinations based on college level Advanced Placement classes. Colleges/Universities may grant credit and placement based on student scores.

State Required Testing: The ELL and MCA tests are Minnesota state required tests. Local Testing: The PSAT, ACT, and AP tests are not required tests but made available to students who wish to take them at the school’s location.

Weather Update

E-Learning Day

Wednesday, March 5th

Due to weather, St. Croix Prep's in-person school day is canceled today , Wednesday, March 5th. The school building, including administrative offices, will be closed. ALL before and after school (including evening) activity practices are canceled and there will be no YMCA Y-Care.

This will be an E-Learning Day for students. Follow this link to learn more:

In-person classes will resume on Thursday, March 6th, 2025 unless otherwise notified. When unexpected school closures occur , there may be changes to the school menu when classes resume. Please check the online menu for the most up-to-date information regarding meal options.

Under Construction

Please note: We are in the process of updating our faculty directory over the summer and thus some information may be out of date.