About the School Board

The School Board provides governance to St. Croix Preparatory Academy. The Board’s primary responsibilities are fiscal oversight, student achievement, and strategic direction. The Board consists of parents, faculty, and community members voted into office by the St. Croix Prep community. Members serve staggering three year terms with annual elections determining new membership.

The Board of St. Croix Prep demands accomplishment of purpose and only limits the staff’s means to those which do not violate the board’s understood standards of prudence and ethics.

Governance Model
Since its inception, St. Croix Preparatory Academy has followed the Carver governance model. This model is designed to empower boards of directors to fulfill their obligations of accountability for the organizations they govern. The model enables the board to focus on the larger issues (e.g. fiscal accountability, student achievement, and strategic initiatives), delegate operational responsibility with clarity (e.g. hiring, curriculum, student discipline, programming, etc.), to oversee management’s job without meddling, and to rigorously evaluate the accomplishment of the organization.