Since its inception, St. Croix Prep has been one of Minnesota’s highest performing schools. Its MCA results are consistently in the state’s top 10%, usually exceeding state proficiency percentages by 20 percentage points. In addition, approximately 60% of the graduating seniors receive acceptance to a selective or highly selective college/university.
St. Croix Prep has exemplary MCA results. Historical proficiency percentages are noted below.
MCA Math
St. Croix Prep vs MN State-Wide Results

MCA Reading
St. Croix Prep vs MN State-Wide Results

MCA Science
St. Croix Prep vs MN State-Wide Results

School Report Cards
Each year the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) issues a report card on each school. The School’s report cards may be found here:
The report cards show test results, graduation rates, demographics, staffing profile, student progress, academic standards, etc.
St. Croix Preparatory Academy is authorized by Friends of Education.