It is not the responsibility of the school or its employees to prescribe drugs, medications, or home remedies. Medications should be administered at home under the supervision of the parent/guardian when possible. However, some students require administration of medications to be performed during the regular school day. In those situations, our School Medication Policy will be followed.
Medication Administration
The school requires written consent for both prescription and non-prescription medications. This includes over-the-counter medications and remedies.
Consent for Administration of Medication is to be completed, signed, and turned into the Health Office before medications can be administered. This form is to be completed for all prescription and non-prescription medications unless the student has an action plan for anaphylaxis, asthma, seizures, or diabetes (these health concerns require an action plan instead of a Consent for Administration of Medication/Treatment form).
Non-Prescription Medication
Secondary students, grades 7-12 only, may possess and use non-prescription pain relief medication (Tylenol, Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen) in a manner consistent with the labeling once a parent has completed the Consent for Secondary Students to Self-Carry/Administer Over-the-Counter Pain Relief Medications form and turned it into the Health Office.