Boys Soccer

Coaching Staff

Program Description
There are two levels of boys soccer program: Varsity and B Squad. Varsity will consist of 17-22 players throughout the year. The Varsity team will be selected through a three day two-a-day process where each player will be evaluated on the four cornerstone skills of soccer: Technical, Tactical, Physical and Psychological. Student athletes that are not selected for the Varsity program will be on the B Squad which will consist of 18-25 players. Both teams in the program will consist of 7th-12th grade Student Athletes.
Our experience in athletics reveals there are many “select teams” sponsored by many different organizations. Each coach looks for something different in his or her players. Participation on a “select team” does not guarantee any player a spot on another “select team” or any high school team. While we believe players can gain valuable experience outside of the school athletic program, neither parents nor students should count on this type of participation to “guarantee” a spot on a high school varsity team. Also, as we get new student athletes every year, so previous involvement with the varsity program does not guarantee placement with the varsity program the following year.
In order to make a varsity team, a player must be “qualified” and also play a position the team needs. Underclass student-athletes possessing these qualities have the same opportunity to make a team as the senior does. At selection time, it will be the coaches’ decision on selecting the players for each team.

Player Expectations
- Come into the season physically fit.
- You are a team-oriented player that believes in the program motto of “No One Left Behind”.
- You practice pride in your school teams.
- You are coachable and can take suggestions for improvement and can honestly self-assess
- You strive for your best effort potential in everything you do.
- You maintain excellence in your studies.
- You practice how you play. Play with same intensity in practice as in games.
- You are driven to create a legacy. Be mindful of the history already created as you leave new footsteps for others to follow.
- Effective communication is the essence of great teams. Learn from your mistakes, get performance feedback, ask questions, share information, celebrate success and learn from mistakes. Take corrective feedback as a compliment.
- Always notify a coach in advance if you cannot attend training and or a game.
- Accept responsibility for outcomes. Look in the mirror first when improvement is required.
- Understand the Minnesota State High School League Rules. They will be Strictly adhered to.
- Follow the Lion Core Values.

Academic Expectations
- Grades will be monitored bi-weekly during the season by a coach to ensure athletes are maintaining a quality GPA.
- If at grade check time any player is carrying an F or a GPA below 1.7 that player will be suspended from games until the F is removed from their record, or their GPA is above a 2.0.
- Student Athletes should manage and take ownership of their grades when not participating in Soccer.
- All athletes are expected to attend class on a regular basis.
- If absent, the athlete is expected to provide a note with parent signature to the coach within one day of the absence.
- Follow all classroom policies set by the teachers and the school.

Lettering Requirements
- End the season on the Varsity Roster.
- All Seniors, no matter the playing level, will letter.
- Attend practice daily with a team attitude.
- Successful completion of the season.
- Coaches discretion may warrant a letter.

- MSHSL Violation during the season forfeits your letter.
- MSHSL Violation anytime during your high school career forfeits your captainship.
- MSHSL violation during the season forfeits your opportunity to apply for or receive end of the year awards. (Players are still eligible for statistical awards.)

Soccer at the high school level is competitive, educational and meant to be enjoyed by players, students, family and the community. Behavior that does not reflect this understanding is unacceptable. All coaches, players, parents, and fans are reminded to keep things in perspective while honoring the game of soccer, and dignity of all persons involved in the playing of the game at all times.