Boys Golf

Coaching Staff

Program Description
Varsity Team
The varsity team will consist of 6 to 7 players. Golf matches are restricted to 6 players where the top (four) scores will be used in scoring the team event. These players will be determined by golfing in a qualifying round (9 or 18 holes) at the beginning of the season, with periodic qualifying rounds at the coach’s discretion throughout the season. A player’s qualification at the beginning of the season does not ensure a full season of varsity play. Coaches will make decisions as necessary throughout the season to ensure the most competitive team is represented at matches. Varsity players will play in the preset golf conference matches, conference tournament, non-conference scheduled matches and sectional play through the Minnesota State High School League.
JV Team
The junior varsity team will consist of 6 to 7 players. JV golf matches are restricted to 6 players where the top (four) scores will be used in scoring the team event. These players will be determined by golfing in a qualifying round (9 or 18 holes) at the beginning of the season, with periodic qualifying rounds at the coach’s discretion throughout the season. JV players may get an opportunity to play at the Varsity level throughout the season. This will be determined at the coach’s discretion and/or through qualifying rounds throughout the season. JV players will play in at least three scheduled conference matches and any additional JV matches scheduled with non-conference schools.

Player Expectations
- St. Croix Prep student athletes need to develop self-discipline inside and outside of school. If you can’t decide on your own – Ask a parent or a coach.
- Anything detrimental to you is detrimental to the team.
- Players must notify a coach in advance if you cannot attend practice or a match.
- You should know the importance of a properly trained athlete.
- Players must understand the Minnesota State High School League rules and expectations. Rules will be strictly adhered to.
- Follow the Lion Core Values.
- Players must have their own golf clubs. In addition to golf clubs, players must have the following: golf balls, tees, golf glove (if you wear one), and ball markers.

Academic Expectations
- Grades will be monitored bi-weekly during the season by a coach to ensure athletes are maintaining a quality GPA.
- If at grade check time any player is carrying an F or a GPA below 1.7 that player will be suspended from games until the F is removed from their record, or their GPA is above a 2.0
- If at grade check time any player is carrying an F or a GPA below 1.7 that player will be suspended from games until the F is removed from their record, or their GPA is above a 2.0
- All athletes are expected to attend class on a regular basis. If absent, the athlete is expected to provide a note with parent signature to the coach within one day of the absence.

Lettering Requirements
- Attend practice daily with a positive team attitude.
- Successful completion of the season.
- Participate in 50% of the conference meets OR have your score used twice during a conference golf meet.
- Coaches discretion may warrant a letter.

- MSHSL Violation during the season forfeits your letter.
- MSHSL Violation anytime during your high school career forfeits your captainship.
- MSHSL violation during the season forfeits your opportunity to apply for or receive end of the year awards.

Golf at the high school level is competitive, educational and meant to be enjoyed. Behavior that does not reflect this understanding is unacceptable. All coaches, players, parents and fans are reminded to keep things in perspective while honoring the game of golf and the dignity of all persons involved. Additionally, the game of golf is engrained with the values of honesty, integrity, transparency, candor and respect. These values will be strictly adhered to.