
Coaching Staff

Code of Conduct
- Archers are expected to be on time to practice and tournaments
- Respect the Coaches, teammates, competitors and spectators.
- No cell phones or homework during practice.
- Bring a positive attitude to practice and tournaments.
- Listens to the coaches, follows directions and rules.
- Focuses on the line without distracting others.
- Encourages teammates.
- Asks for help to improve shooting.
- Acts like an SCPA Champion at every practice and every tournament.
- Has Fun!

Archer Expectations
- Leaves cell phones in their backpacks.
- Sign attendance sheet at every practice when you arrive.
- Help set-up and tear down the shooting range.
- Take responsibility for their bows/equipment.
- Uses only their assigned equipment.
- Notify coaches if theyāre going to miss or be late for practice or tournament.
- Must have an excused reason and coach permission before leaving practice.
- Stay out of supply cabinets and toolboxes ā these are for coaches only.
- Disciplinary action will be taken for any inappropriate or unsafe behavior.

Lettering Requirements
Lettering is subject to decision by the coaching staff. It is not solely score dependent.
- 7th -12th Grades are eligible to letter but must meet or exceed all requirements.
- Must meet or exceed All rules and standards set forth by St. Croix Preparatory Academy and its Coaching Staff.
- Must Maintain Good Academic Standing in accordance with SCPA and Educational standards.
- Follow and Obey NASP rules, by-laws, and regulations.
- Exhibit and maintain moral traits of honesty, integrity, dedication, compassion, unselfishness, leadership, respectfulness, and responsibility.
- Attend all team tournaments unless prior approval from Coaching Staff.
- Attain an average minimal score of 270 for the season. Scores to be taken from the top three tournaments. This is subject to other contributions and circumstances on an individual basis.
- Full participation in practices and tournaments unless excused SCPA Coaching staff. tournaments unless prior approval from Coaching Staff.
- Assist with the team clean up, set up or tear down of the archery range.
- Assist coaches with younger Archers in Elementary or Middle School Teams at tournaments and practice.

- Everyone will have an opportunity to shoot at all regular season and regional tournaments. Individuals may also shoot at the State Tournament, but you will need to pay your entry fee.
- Parents or Archers must notify the Coaches if they are not going to shoot in a tournament at least 10 days prior. The fee for that tournament must be reimbursed to the program if you do not show up.
- Elementary, Middle and Highschool teams will be decided by the coaches based on scores, attitude and behavior.