E-Learning Day
What is it?
In the event of inclement weather or school closings, E-Learning provides a positive opportunity for students to continue their studies outside of the school building.
E-Learning day will count as a day of school so that we do not have to make up this school day lost due to weather. E-Learning days are asynchronous - No Zoom sessions will be required. If students have any questions, they should email their teacher(s).
- To provide meaningful learning opportunities for all students during inclement weather
- To allow students and teachers to stay on track during unexpected school closures and to mitigate disruptions to learning.
How will families be notified?
E-Learning during late starts or early closures?
No. E-Learning Days occur only when the building would be closed for the entire day.
Division Specific Items:
Lower School
Parents - Check Your Email
Emails for assignments and attendance procedures will be sent to Lower School Parents. If parents have follow-up questions they are encouraged to email their student's teacher directly.
Middle School
Period 1 Attendance
Students should login to their Period 1 Google Classroom and complete the teacher's attendance question by 10:00am tomorrow morning.
School Periods
Students should then check each of their Google Classrooms and complete the assigned work for the day. Since we operate by periods in middle school, this needs to be done for each of the 7 class periods including A/B Specialists.
Absence Reporting
Parents should call the middle school attendance line or complete/submit the attendance reporting form to report student absences by 9:00am. Identify specific symptoms if students are sick. Parents of students with unknown absences will receive follow up communication.
No Internet/Computer Access?
If students do not have access to the internet and/or a device to complete today's E-learning, students will be provided paper copies of the assignments after they return to school. The completion of assignments will count for their attendance for this e-learning day. Assignments should be completed within two school days.
Google Classroom App
If your student will be using an app supported device such as a tablet or phone, it is our recommendation that you download the Google Classroom app.
Forgotten Password?
If your student cannot remember their school Google email and/or password, please email Kelly Vossen for assistance.
Upper School
Period 1 Attendance
Students should log on to their Advisory Grade Level Google Classroom by 10:00 AM to answer the “question of the day” to register their attendance on each E-Learning Day.
General Workflow
Each teacher will post a meaningful assignment on his/her Google Classroom or class website for students to complete. Students should not expect a synchronous, scheduled meeting (eg a Zoom or Google Meet) unless specifically requested by the teacher. Instead, work will be completed asynchronously through Google Classroom.
Absence Reporting
Parents should call the middle school attendance line or complete/submit the attendance reporting form to report student absences by 9:00am. Identify specific symptoms if students are sick. Parents of students with unknown absences will receive follow up communication.
Teacher Availability
Teachers are available from 9:00 - 4:00 by email. They may be available for Zoom meetings if requested.
Individual Education Plans
Students with Individualized Education Plans will follow lessons provided by their classroom teachers and/or lessons modified by their caseworkers online or otherwise.
No Internet/Computer Access?
Accommodations for students without access to the internet or without necessary resources will be addressed on a case-by-case basis. The student can obtain a hard copy of the assignment on the next regular school day. They will have two days to complete the required learning activities and assignments.
Homework Make-Up
Students will have two days to make up assignments from E-Learning Days.
Pre-Arranged Absence (Vacation)