MN Law
MN Law
Per Minnesota Immunization Law, to enter elementary or secondary schools (public or private) children need to have certain immunizations. Starting in September 2014 there are new immunization laws. The changes were made to be more closely aligned with the current Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommendations, which most pediatricians and healthcare providers follow.
The SCPA Health Office needs documentation of these immunizations with the month, day, and year for each prior to the start of the school year, or if a transfer student, prior to attending the first day of class. A completed Student Immunization Form or printout of immunizations from the clinic is acceptable. Students are not allowed to attend school the first day if we do not have this documentation.
Medical and conscientious exemptions are still allowed. Please use the Student Immunization Form for these exemptions. Medical exemptions must be signed by the healthcare provider. Conscientious exemptions must be signed by a parent/guardian AND notarized. This documentation must also be on file in the Health Office prior to the first day of school attendance.
Chicken Pox
Starting in 2010, schools can no longer accept parent report of chickenpox disease. A child’s healthcare provider must indicate the child had the disease and the date.