24/25 Parking Permit
St. Croix Prep is fortunate to have the ability to offer student parking that is safe, well lit and monitored. However, this comes at a cost to the school. In 2017 St. Croix Prep made the decision to enlarge the north parking lot in order to accommodate student parking. The fees of $250 collected from the annual student parking fee are used to partially cover the cost to monitor, improve and maintain the north lot. Much like your own home, both annual maintenance (snow plowing, resealing the asphalt, repairing cracks, replacing light bulbs, restriping lines, etc.) and larger projects (replacing lot lights with LEDs for safety, security camera installation, installation of charging station for electric cars, grading for drainage, repaving asphalt when needed) are required.
All available student parking permits have been issued for the 2023-2024 school year. Each year we receive more applications for student parking permits that we have spaces available. No additional student parking permits will be issued for this school year.
Important Reminders:
- Student parking permits typically sell out in September of each year. If you anticipate needing a parking permit mid-year, students should apply at the start of the school year. Additional permits will not be issued for students who get their driver's license later in the year.
- St. Croix Prep Administration reserves the right to limit the amount of parking permits issued based on space availability. Criteria such as: seniority, residing out of district 832, zero hour, extracurricular involvement and special circumstances will be considered if more applications are received than available spaces.
- The permit is an annual pass and covers the period of August 28, 2023 through May 31, 2024.